Mimaki Driver Ver.5.9.10 (64bit)
類型 | Device Driver |
版本 | 5.9.10 |
更新日期 | 2025年03月17日 |
支援OS |
Windows 10 (64bit) Windows 11 |
對應機種 | APC-130, CF3-1610M, CF3-1610R1, CF3-1610TF2, CF3-1631M, CF3-1631R1, CF3-1631TF2, CF22-1225RC-S, CF22-1225RT-S, CF22-1225T-S, CF22-1225TD-S, CF22-1225TF-S, CG-60AR, CG-60SRIII, CG-75FXII, CG-75FXII Plus, CG-100AR, CG-100SRIII, CG-130AR, CG-130FXII, CG-130FXII Plus, CG-130SRIII, CG-160FXII, CG-160FXII Plus, CJV150-75, CJV150-75BS, CJV150-107, CJV150-107BS, CJV150-130, CJV150-130BS, CJV150-160, CJV150-160BS, CJV200-75, CJV200-130, CJV200-160, CJV200-160B, CJV300-130, CJV300-130 Plus, CJV300-130BS, CJV300-160, CJV300-160 Plus, CJV300-160BS, CJV330-130, CJV330-160, JFX200-1213 EX, JFX200-2513, JFX200-2513 EX, JFX600-2513, JFX600-2531, JV100-160, JV150-130, JV150-130A, JV150-130BS, JV150-160, JV150-160A, JV150-160BS, JV200-160B, JV300-130, JV300-130 Plus, JV300-130A, JV300-130BS, JV300-160, JV300-160 Plus, JV300-160A, JV300-160BS, JV300-190, JV330-130, JV330-160, TS100-1600, TS330-1600, TS330-3200DS, Tiger600-1800TS, TxF150-75, TxF300-75, TxF300-1600, UCJV300-75, UCJV300-107, UCJV300-130, UCJV300-160, UCJV330-130, UCJV330-160, UJF-3042 , UJF-3042FX, UJF-3042HG, UJF-3042MkII, UJF-3042MkII EX, UJF-3042MkII EX e, UJF-3042MkII e, UJF-6042, UJF-6042MkII, UJF-6042MkII e, UJF-7151 plus, UJF-7151 plusII, UJF-A3MkII, UJF-A3MkII EX, UJV100-160, UJV100-160Plus |
The following functions have been change
[Ver.5.9.8 -> Ver.5.9.10]
- The following models are available.
JV200 (bottle model)
CJV200 (bottle model)
- The following ink is available in CJV200.
SS21 4Color / 8Color
[Ver.5.9.7 -> Ver.5.9.8]
- The following models are available.
[Ver.5.9.6 -> Ver.5.9.7]
- The following models are available.
[Ver.5.9.5 -> Ver.5.9.6]
- The following models are available.
CJV200, JFX200-1213EX
- The following ink is available in JV330 / CJV330.
SS22 4Color / 6Color
- Job names can now be displayed in the PICT print history.
CJV200, JFX200-1213EX, JFX200-2513EX, UJV100Plus
[Ver.5.9.4 -> Ver.5.9.5]
- The following ink is available in JFX600-2513 / JFX600-2531.
LUS-120 6Color+WCl
LUS-150 6Color+WCl
- Job names can now be displayed in the PICT print history.
TxF150, TxF300, KebabHS(UJF-7151plusII, UJF-6042MkIIe, UJF-3042MkIIe)
[Ver.5.9.3 -> Ver.5.9.4]
- The following ink is available in UCJV330.
LUS-190 4Color / 4Color+WW
LUS-210 4Color / 4Color+WW
[Ver.5.9.2 -> Ver.5.9.3]
- The following models are available.
- Job names can now be displayed in the PICT print history.
JV330, CJV330, TS330, UCJV330
[Ver. -> Ver.5.9.2]
- The following ink is available in JFX600.
LUS-211 4Color / 4Color+ClClWW
- The following ink is available in UCJV330.
LUS-200 4Color / 4Color+WW
[Ver.5.9.0 -> Ver.]
- The following defects have been improved.
- There are cases where white ink may be output too thick.
[Target printer] TxF150, TxF300
[Ver.5.8.2 -> Ver.5.9.0]
- The following defects have been improved.
- Communication error or printing stops occur at random times.
[Ver.5.8.0 -> Ver.5.8.2]
- The following ink is available in JFX200EX.
LUS-211 4Color+ClClWW
[Ver.5.7.3 -> Ver.5.8.0]
- The following models are available.
UCJV330, UJV100Plus
[Ver.5.7.2 -> Ver.5.7.3]
- The following ink is available in JFX600.
LUS-120 4Color+ClClWW, LUS-150 4Color+ClClWW
[Ver.5.7.1 -> Ver.5.7.2]
- The following models are available.
[Ver.5.7.0 -> Ver.5.7.1]
- The following defects have been improved.
- Nozzle Recovery may not be enabled.
[Target printer] JV100, TS100, UJV100
[Ver.5.6.9 -> Ver.5.7.0]
- The following models are available.
- The following defects have been improved.
- Manual MAPS may not be enabled.
[Target printer] JV300, CJV300, JV150, CJV150
[Ver.5.6.8 -> Ver.5.6.9]
- The following models are available.
- The following defects have been improved.
- When using nozzle recovery on two layers, the panel may indicate that some nozzles are not recoverable even though nozzle recovery is possible.
[Target printer] JV330, CJV330
[Ver.5.6.7 -> Ver.5.6.8]
- The following defects have been improved.
- When setting [Step & Repeat] and print, printing speed slows down.
- When combining [RIP and Print] and [Tiling], the left edge of the second and subsequent tiles may be cut off by several centimeters.
- At MkII and MkIIe, discharged result has changed only specific data.
- JFX600 which mounted LUS-120 four colors are not displayed on the printer registration screen, and the printer cannot be registered.
- The layer output icon is not displayed on the thumbnail image during 2.5D printing/ composite printing.
- When combining the pre-print margin and [Step & Repeat], a portion of the printing area is output without printing.
[Ver.5.6.6 -> Ver.5.6.7]
- When using RasterLink7, primer recommended density has been supported at LH-100 and LUS-120 in JFX600
- The following defects have been improved.
When using RasterLink7, white ink at higher density printing cannot be executed in the combinations of printer and ink set described below.
[Target printer] UJF-6042MkIIe、UJF-3042MkII Ex e Ink set: CMYKClPrWW
[Ver.5.6.5 -> Ver.5.6.6]
- Improved operation during Ethernet communication.
[Ver.5.6.4 -> Ver.5.6.5]
- The following defects have been improved.
- When nozzle recovery is enabled, an error may occur during output.
[Target printer] JV300, JV150, CJV300, CJV150
[Ver.5.6.3 -> Ver.5.6.4]
- The following Colors are available in JFX600.
LUS-120 4Color / 6Color+SP / 4Color+SP
[Ver. -> Ver.5.6.3]
- The following defects have been improved.
- Cannot output from FineCoat when using DCF-605PU.
- When using combination of USB1.1 and Windows10/11, connection may not be possible depending on state of PC UCSI device (USB type-C).
[Target printer] USB1.1 device (CG-SR2, CG-FXII)
[Ver.5.6.2 -> Ver.]
- The following defects have been improved.
- Fix the defect that may cause graininess when printed with Hi scan.
[Target printer] UJV100 4C+SP, UJV100 SP+4C, JV100 8C
[Ver.5.6.1 -> Ver.5.6.2]
- The following models are available.
JV330, CJV330, TS330
- LUS-200 ink is available in the following printers.
UJF-3042MkII, UJF-3042MkII EX, UJF-6042MkII
The following Colors are available in JFX600.
- LUS-150 4Color, LUS-150 6Color+SP
[Ver.5.6.0 -> Ver.5.6.1]
- LUS-210 ver2 ink is available in UJV100.
[Ver.5.5.3 -> Ver.5.6.0]
- LUS-200 ink is available in the following printers.
UJF-3042MkII e, UJF-3042MkII Ex e, UJF-6042MkII e
[Ver.5.5.2 -> Ver.5.5.3]
- The following defects have been improved.
For a job of color layer or white layer, illuminance does not change at printing even after illuminance of UV mode is changed and printing is executed.
[Ver.5.5.1 -> Ver.5.5.2]
- In JFX600, Glossy Print can be selected by UV mode of clear plate.
- In JFX600, following Special Color Over Print is available.
[Ver.5.5.0 -> Ver.5.5.1]
- Added support for silver ink on the UJF-7151plusII.
[Ver.5.4.2 -> Ver.5.5.0]
- The following models are available.
UJF-7151plusII, UJF-6042MkIIe, UJF-3042MkIIe, UJF-3042MkII EXe
[Ver.5.4.1 -> Ver.5.4.2]
- The following models are available.
[Ver.5.4.0 -> Ver.5.4.1]
- The following models are available.
UJF-7151, UJF-6042MkII, UJF-3042MkII, UJF-3042MkII EX, UJF-A3MkII, UJF-A3MkII EX
[Ver.5.3.3 -> Ver.5.4.0]
- The following models are available.
JV300, JV150, JV300Plus, CJV300, CJV150, CJV300Plus
[Ver.5.3.0 -> Ver.5.3.3]
- Image quality defects that occur under certain conditions have been improved.
[Ver.5.1.0 -> Ver.5.3.0]
- TS100 are available.
- Improved operation during Ethernet communication. (JV100, UJV100)
- JV100 is available.
- 此處所稱的「軟體」,指與本協定一同提供的電腦程式。
- 此處所稱的「相關資料」,指與本軟體一同提供的印刷文件檔案,或是敝公司之後所提供的印刷資料。
- 此處所稱的「本軟體」,指敝公司提供給客人的軟體、相關資料、及軟體的複製檔。
- 根據本協定的條款,禁止複製本軟體。
- 禁止更改本軟體及進行逆向工程。此外,禁止轉讓、租賃、再授權給第三方,亦禁止移轉本協定的地位。
- 禁止透過租賃或疑似租賃行為將本軟體轉讓、授權或轉賣給第三方,亦禁止從第三方讓渡、接受使用權或購買。
- 禁止將本軟體當作二手品讓渡、授權給第三方,亦禁止從第三方接受使用權。
- 軟體所含有的功能並不保證完全符合顧客的使用目的。
- 選擇安裝本軟體為顧客的行為責任,在電腦硬碟或繪圖器記憶體中安裝本軟體時,並不為其相關損害或操作上的損害做擔保。
- 關於本軟體的使用結果(包含收入或利益的損失),敝公司並不做任何責任上的擔保。
- 本協定的有效期限是從顧客安裝本軟體開始算起。
- 顧客決定停止使用軟體時,本協定則自動終止。
- 顧客無法遵守本協定的條款時,毋須敝公司的通知,本協定即立刻終止。本協定終止時,請務必刪除本軟體的所有檔案。